
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2013


English                             El 29 de septiembre de 2013 , último domingo de mes En la Plaza Mayor (junto al caballo), a las 12 horas Mujeres de Negro contra la guerra - Madrid Invitan a una concentración de negro y en silencio. Ante una próxima intervención militar en Siria Mujeres de la Red Internacional de Mujeres de Negro contra la guerra ♀ Pedimos que haya una resolución política y pacífica del conflicto Sirio en la que participen todas las voces civiles del país. ♀ Queremos que se proteja a la población civil tanto de las agresiones militares del ejército de Al Asad y de los rebeldes, como del hambre, la miseria, la emigración forzada, etc. Expulsemos la guerra y la violencia de la historia y de nuestras vidas C/ San Cosme y San Damián, Nº 24, 2º 28012 – Madrid .....................................................

CONVOCATION 29 SEPTEMBER 2013: Against military intervention in Syria

Against military intervention in Syria Once again the guardians of democracy rise up as saviors, in this case, saviors of Syria. But when they speak of helping the Syrians, they speak of military support to the insurgents in order to defend their own interests in the area. While peaceful protests lasted, the international community looked aside. When Asad crushed them harshly: the uprising of the children of Deraa, the sit-ins and demonstrations of the young people and the country folks, there was no great echo in the conventional media. The conflict in Syria is not a conflict between good people and bad people. Al Asad is a lay dictator, but a dictator who has previously violated human rights with the tacit approval of all world leaders, and during this war he is carrying out a massacre of his citizens. On the other hand, the insurgents are a group of religious fanatics, foreign mercenaries, financed in large part by third countries and one and another rebel – one more conflic...

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid
En la Plaza Mayor, primera convocatoria