CONVOCATION 26 OCTOBER 2014: We denounce injustice and demand the truth about the war in IRAQ
We denounce injustice and demand the truth about the war in IRAQ
The obscure origin of ISIS has a lot to do with the intent to destabilize the Middle East and with the participation of Western powers. There are various critical versions about what is in play in the region, and perhaps they all make a good point: the control of petroleum and gas; to assure military power of the West in the region with the elimination of the Arab armies (in favor of sectarian groups); the division of Iraq into three separate States; to contain the protests of the civil society who demand rights and liberties; and to resolve the economic crisis of the West through the sale of weapons.
ISIS is an army of mercenaries having little to do with the defense of Islam; it arose in Iraq and moved on to Syria changing its name several times, but only when it re-entered Iraq did US intervention occur; and next, ours. The 200,000 deaths in Syria and 1,500,000 displaced persons have not generated international mediation. The resounding failure of other invasions of Iraq, for which it is impossible to calculate the number of victims, does not preclude a new military intervention.
Spain is not uninvolved. Without the authorization of Congress, we will send between 300 and 1,200 military individuals during several months to train Iraqi military. We will be part of the coordination of military operations and permit the United States to use our air and sea spaces, in addition to their bases at Moron and Rota. Further, we are involved in the negotiations for weapons through an agreement with Saudi Arabia.
Although it might seem too late to undertake actions other than military, there is something we can do: not remain silent; denounce injustice and demand the truth.
Together with the Women in Black of London, we ask that the illegal intervention in the Middle East cease; prohibition of treaties for the sale and purchase of weapons, and an impetus for peace negotiations with the governments in the region.
We ask, along with the Iraqi civil society, urgent measures for help and protection of the civil population and the organizations for peace and humanitarian aid.
We ask special protection for the women and infants, who are losing all their rights at an alarming rate. One example is the scarce international awareness of the torture and murder of Samira Saleh al Naimi, Iraqi lawyer and activist.
Madrid, 26th of October 2014.
Translation: Trisha Novak (USA) with the collaboration of Yolanda Rouiller
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