
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021

¡Ante la emergencia social, el feminismo es esencial!

¡Ante la emergencia social, el feminismo es esencial! English 8 marzo del 2019.MdN Madrid Aún en un contexto pandémico nadie nos puede callar, de ahí nuestro grito. Un grito con el que hacemos referencia a toda opresión contra nosotras las mujeres que se ha multiplicado durante la crisis del coronavirus, ya que somos nosotras las que más hemos sufrido los efectos del desempleo y los cuidados.

Facing the social emergency, feminism is essential!

Facing the social emergency, Feminism is essential! Even in the context of the pandemic, no one can silence us, hence our shout. A shout with which we refer to all oppression against us, the women, which has multiplied during the coronavirus crisis, as we are the ones who have most suffered from the effects of unemployment and need for caregiving. Within our right to demonstrate, we will decorate balconies and windows, those spaces that during the pandemic have been our contact with the outside. We will all, all be together in the streets, dressed in purple, violet, lilac and blue and we will shout out for our rights, the rights of all women. In our shout, we will reclaim all that at this time seems essential: energy, water, housing, care giving, defense of public services, anti-racism, dissent, sex and gender identity, an unconditional basic income for all and also the planetary emergency and global disarmament. We reject precariousness and macho violence. Since no one can s...

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid
En la Plaza Mayor, primera convocatoria