CONVOCATION 26 January 2025: Against the Pedagogies of Hatred

Against the Pedagogies of Hatred

This January 30th we will again celebrate the DENYP (School Day of Non-Violence and Peace). Our educational centers should not limit themselves to hanging up doves of peace. It is necessary to open a profound debate on what is happening in our classrooms and this globalizing world in which we live. When school is neutral, it doesn’t obtain social transformation. One must take a stand. If we don’t act, we are complicit.

We are seeing the results of pedagogies of hatred in Gaza. We cannot normalize this televised genocide. The horror cannot leave us indifferent. We cannot continue being that silent majority that looks the other way when the manufacture and traffic in weapons of war is supported by our taxes. This time we can’t say that we didn’t know.

According to the most recent surveys, 20% of the young people from 18 to 24 vote for parties of the extreme right. It’s not a matter of the majority but it is worrisome that this option grows with each election. The peak of youtubers, influencers and creators of savage neoliberal content predominate in our social networks. White supremacy, capitalism and hyperpatriotic nationalism are rampant all over Europe.

With increasing frequency, our educational centers have classrooms with 30 to 40 adolescent boys and girls focused on assimilating inaccessible curricula that they will have to vomit on a final exam. This crowded educational system is incapable of dealing with all the violence it produces. It leaves many students out of the classrooms where they will be attracted to groups in which the ideology of hatred is the basis of their faith. Toxic also are classrooms segregated by high socioeconomic level where those who are different are dehumanized without consideration for social justice. On the other hand, we have families, in many cases single-parent families, working without a break and still unable to make ends meet, alongside others who are completely and totally dedicated to their entrepreneurial business activity. In both cases, quality time that could be dedicated to the children is completely reduced. The young people are left with social networks with TikTok in charge. We do not propose to prohibit cell phones at school but to educate about how to use them.

It is not an easy task to end conspiratorial theories with the messages that deny gender violence or climate change with opinions of people who do not accept diversity in all its forms. It is necessary that the student body be offered a quality education with the goal of not only the acquisition of content rather also to develop their capacity to critique.

In this dystopic world in which we live, persons like Milei, Trump, Meloni, Orban, Netanyahu, and, in Madrid, the President of the Autonomous Community, Mrs. Diaz Ayuso, who take from us the meaning of the word “liberty” when the only thing they defend is economic liberty of the major fortunes that finance their political parties and the means of communication that support them. Let our voice be heard with which we demand:

Quality public education that respects the ratio (teacher-students) and academic hours of the faculty so there is sufficient personal attention given to the student body.

Policies for family work-home time sharing that will allow space for quality time with boys and girls.

Basic rent for people experiencing difficulties.

A just minimum wage that does not condemn to poverty people who are employed.

Development of values so that our students can bring to fruition that other possible world with a worthy life for those who inhabit it.

A rigorous control with high fines to the media or those spaces created to disseminate misinformation and hatred among young people.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain


Mujeres de Negro de Madrid

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid
En la Plaza Mayor, primera convocatoria